After five years of successful collaboration with the Annecy International Animation Film Festival and its market MIFA, both in France and the region arose the shared will to generate a space to develop the female creators’ potential, in an industry in which few women have access to the directing role.
Carrying on the close cooperative bond between Latin America and France, and in alliance with the Institut Français d’Argentine, Animation! launches the Special Mentoring Program for animation projects led by women, with the goal of carrying out actions in favor of gender equality, encouraging co-productions and pursuing the global dissemination of Latin American talent.
All Latin American series and feature film projects that were registered in the 2020 Animation! Pitching Sessions and accredit a woman in the role of director qualified for this program.
Five projects were selected by an international jury and were granted access to a production, script and pitch training given by three international experts. The program has been held virtually, between January and March 2021.
After completing the Mentoring Program and thanks to the support of the Institut Français d’Argentine and the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the projects were showcased at a special focus in MIFA 2021.
The directors of the projects also took part in the panel Animation! Pan Latam Female Directors Mentoring Program sponsored by WIA (Women in Animation) in which the organizers and the mentors looked back on the training and shared some thoughts about the importance of this kind of programs.