Ventana Sur announces the participation of Spanish Screenings on Tour in Animation! 2022
Spanish Screenings chose the Ventana Sur market to present the first edition of On Tour to the international audiovisual industry. This meant a notable increase in the Spanish presence at the event, both in terms of the number of professionals that made up the delegation and the quantity and quality of the Spanish projects that were presented in its different sections.
Animation! 2022 counted with the participation of a careful selection of 5 Spanish projects that were presented in a pitch session and subsequent speed-dating within the framework of Anímate! by Spanish Screenings On Tour. The selection of projects was in charge of representatives of the Malaga and San Sebastian Film Festivals together with the coordination of Spanish Screenings.
During the event the projects looked for international partners and presented themselves in a special pitch session. They then had a networking space for potential partners to connect with representatives of the projects they were interested in.
Learn all about the projects that participated in Animate! by Spanish Screenings on Tour